Hello 🙋🏾‍♀️

I am Oluwaseyitan

a Front-end Developer from Nigeria
Contact Me

My Projects


Coffee Junkie Website

This is a landing website made about coffee and their vairoud types, this website displays three coffee types and their importance to the one's health and also encourages coffee lovers to drink more Coffee!!!

Weather App

This is a weather app that displays current time, day and also the current weather in the location you search for. the weather app was built with an API which makes it easy to know the current weather in any city in the world!!!

music summary

Music Summary Website

This is a music simmary website for the payment of music subscription, the Website was built with flex box and CSS positioning. this a landing page and it is highly responsive!!!


This is an advice generator app that generates advice every two seconds and it was built with an API and JavaScript, this app could put a smile on your face and make your day, it is also very responsive!!!

Dictinary app

Dictionary App

This is a Dictionary App made with React JS and API, it also diplays image afrer every search and give the sound of every word search, this app is very effective and also responsive